The cost of energy keeps going up while the cost of solar has come down quickly.

Going with solar power, as opposed to buying electricity from the grid, is a sound investment in your home since that money will be added to your home’s property value. Let Golden Bear Solar show you how going solar can transform your life for the better. Here are a number of things you need to know about solar power and how it can impact your savings.


Solar Power is getting more affordable

The Good news is the price of solar panels have come down 75% in the last 10 years!


Energy costs keep rising

The bad news is the cost of electricity keeps going up. PG&E has increased rates 95% in the last 10 years alone!


How much can you save?

If we look at some examples of how you can save money (based on a $200 per month PG&E electric bill), you will see why installing solar is an excellent investment.


Reducing your reliance on PG&E

With a standard solar system, you only pay PG&E  about $10 per month. The rest goes in your pocket, enabling you to pay off your solar power system.


With a SmartSolar™ system you can save even more.

Utilizing the latest in Smart Solar technology, we can improve your monthly savings even more.


Over time your savings add up

Think about what you can do with the money you save:
• An extra vacation every year?     • A new electric car?
• Save for your children’s college?


Real World Savings

How much you can save if your electric bill averages $400 per month.
(These are estimates based on rates increasing at 5% a year. PG&E has increased much more than this over the past 10 years.)


This is the cost of doing nothing

When you take a look at how much money you are losing to energy costs over time, it’s easy to see why Smart Solar is the right choice.

Most people only talk about protecting the environment.

Solar is a way you can truly make a difference.
Thinking of how you can help Mother Nature? Going solar is one of the answers. When you go solar, not only do yourself a favor by saving money, you help protect the environment as well. Since it’s a clean source of energy, it doesn’t produce greenhouse gasses and other harmful emissions

Taking action is important

An average solar system can help far more than most people realize.
Your system can offset the CO2 from burning 190 tons of coal.


A positive effect on our environment

Or offset the CO2 from driving a car 430,000 miles.


How much can you save?

Installing a solar power system can save the equivalent of 217 acres of trees.


There is a better way

Most of California’s energy sources (71%) are terrible for the environment.
Solar is a way you can use clean, renewable energy.

Smart Solar CURB technology delivers highly accurate information about your energy use.

The CURB Smart Power System delivers real-time data:

  • Make smarter decisions about your energy use.
  • Recognize abnormal patterns of energy use, pointing to potential problems of various appliances.
  • Estimate your energy bill, allowing you to see the impact of your energy use on your wallet in real time.

Bringing Smart Home technology to Smart Solar

Why do Customers Love CURB technology?

CURB monitors everything going on inside your home as well as your solar system. CURB shows customers where their energy is being used and how much is being generated, in real time and for less money than traditional solar monitoring systems.


Smart Savings from Anywhere

Use the CURB app to see how much you’re spending on electricity at any moment, and connect to your favorite smart home devices so that you can remotely turn things off or on from your smartphone.

Energy Efficiency for your Entire Home

Most homes waste more than 20% of the electricity you pay for. CURB uncovers home energy trends, pinpoints power hogs, and gives you control over your home and your electric bill.

Fix your Power Leaks

SmartSolar systems with CURB technology can help you save and additional 15-20% more on average. One client didn’t know a dehumidifier was left on in a storage room and was wasting over $150/month!


Useful data at your fingertips

Curb monitors everything going on inside your home as well as your solar system and shows customers detailed information on where their energy is being used and how much is being generated, in real time..

SmartSolar™ can help you stay online through power outages.

The power grid is becoming outdated and much less reliable everyday.


Power you can count on

When your power goes out, your internet router loses power, you can’t charge your phone and the food in your refrigerator is at risk, what do you do? How much will this outage actually cost you?


Be your own power company

When everyone else is in the dark, your SmartSolar™ system with a battery backup will keep your power on.


Find out if Solar is right for you

Let us help you make your home more energy efficient by installing a Smart Solar System.
We just need a little info about you and we can start you on your way to energy independence.
We promise to NEVER share your personal information.