See if Solar Power is right for you
Stop overpaying for power from PG&E !
Watch our short informative video that will show you how to determine if installing solar on your home is right for you. This will only take a few minutes of your time, but could potentially save you thousands of dollars in utility costs while ultimately benefiting the environment.
Why we went solar
Watch client stories of why they went solar
The best way for you to know if you should install solar on your home is to listen to the people that have already made the leap. Watch each of their individual stories and you will find out what motivated them to make the transition to solar power, and why it was worth it.
Preventive Maintenance Programs
Never be left in the dark, Let us keep your system in top shape
Our Monthly Preventive Maintenance Program is meticulously crafted to guarantee the peak performance and enduring lifespan of your solar energy system. With our proactive approach to maintenance, we aim to provide you with worry-free and efficient solar energy production year after year.
Turn your house into your best investment!
Golden Bear Solar is a Smart Home Solutions company. We’re focused on delivering the highest quality and most cost effective Smart Solar™ technology and services to the local market. If you have ever thought about investing in solar technology, now is the time!
We have integrated solutions that include the highest quality solar panels with new and innovated technology products that allow you more visibility and control over your homes power consumption and usage.
Many of the benefits of solar are well established:
- Save money on power – without any money out of pocket
- Reduce or eliminate your reliance on PG&E or other utility providers
- Reduce your carbon footprint – save millions of trees and allow for cleaner air and water
- 30% tax credit – reduce your cost of going solar with tax incentives
…but did you know that Smart Solar also gives you…
- Visibility into exactly where your power is being used – did you leave a curling iron on, garage fridge using most of your power, long-lost dehumidifier killing your bill? Now you’ll know…exactly where your energy is going and what it’s cost you!
- Hedge against rising cost of power – PG&E is responsible for many of the Santa Rosa fires and plan to pass along those costs to consumers
- Take advantage of Clean Power – the Sun delivers enough energy in just one hour to power the planet for a year…are you getting your fair share?
To learn more about this exciting new technology and how to avoid PG&E’s coming rate hikes – get your customized Smart Solar Proposal today

Find out if Solar is right for you
Let us help you make your home more energy efficient by installing a Smart Solar System.
We just need a little info about you and we can start you on your way to energy independence.
We promise to NEVER share your personal information.
ADVANTAGESWhy Should You Go Solar?
Solar energy helps you save money
Solar power is a smarter choice than buying electricity from the grid and will help you save money. Golden Bear specializes in financing so right away you’ll not only reduce electrical costs, you will realize long term savings. Find out how you can make a sound investment that will add lasting value to your home’s value.
Solar Power Benefits the Environment
Have you ever considered how you can help Mother Nature? Well installing a smart solar system is a great start. When you go solar, you not only do yourself a favor by saving money, but you benefit the environment as well. Since it’s a clean source of energy, it doesn’t produce greenhouse gasses and other harmful emissions.
Smart Solar is the future
Utilizing Smart Solar now puts you ahead of the curve. With the volatility of energy markets and the instability of fossil fuels, you can count on the Sun to be stable for the next billion years. Plus, with Smart Solar, you can track the energy usage right down to each dollar. Combine this technology with your smart home and control appliances.
Solar helps you be energy independent
Having your own solar power plant means you won’t be at the mercy of electricity providers. They can raise energy costs all they want, but it you won’t be affected at all. In fact, being energy independent keeps your family safer in times of critical energy or weather emergencies by keeping your lights on.
Solar panels are easy and safe to install
The fact that solar panels have no moving parts makes them durable, and dependable. Plus, Golden Bear makes it a painless process to install and maintain them. Don’t take our word for it, read what our clients have to say about their own personal positive experiences installing a solar power system on their home.